Tickets will be put on sale Sunday the 27th of December 12:00 CET

Tickets will be put on sale as of Sunday the 27th of December 12.00 CET, and you can buy them on


Ordinary Ticket
842 NOK in total
800 + 42 PTN-fee
PROgamer ticket - no seat
Foreigner Ticket
Read more below
424 NOK in total
400 + 24 PTN-fee


Membership in KANDU?
We offer two different types of tickets. The normal ticket will cost 842,- NOK and include a membership in KANDU. You don't have to be a former member to buy an ordinary ticket. If you do not wish to become a member of KANDU but still visit TG10 this is of course possible, but you will have to pay slighty more for your ticket. The price for the exception-ticket is 1050 NOK in total (1000 + 50 PTN-fee).

The ticket allows you to attend all tournaments except DotA NO SEAT INCLUDED, NO COMPUTERS NEEDED! If a seat wanted - you must buy a ticket included seat. Questions? Send an e-mail to game at gathering dot org.

Foreigner tickets
We also offer a special price for the foreginers. If you're not a norwegian citizen, or a norwegian citizen living outside Scandinavia - please apply for a foreigner ticket in our shop. Please note that you will have to prove that you're eglible for these tickets by providing copies of travel-documents like airplane/train-tickets and a valid ID.

Seating schedule


Refunding the tickets

You can refund your ticket. The deadline will be announced later.

IMPORTANT: Ordering tickets and payment
When it's your turn to buy tickets - you have 72 hours to place an order. After this you have to re-enter the queue. You can choose between paying for your tickets with VISA/MasterCard or online banking.

If you're use online banking we strongly recommend you to pay as soon as possible! The money transfer may take a couple of days.

IMPORTANT: Registering at Partyticket

  1. We recommend that you avoid using Hotmail. Their filter normally marks e-mails from PTN as spam/junk
  2. You MUST register with a valid address, date of birth and phone number! Invalid PTN data was the one of the main reasons behind the long queues last easter. Edit your account information here.


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