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Wednesday, 09:00 Open registrations for QL BYOC Qualifier Game Crib
Wednesday, 09:00 Open registrations for Counter-Strike 1.6 BYOC Qualifier Game Crib
Wednesday, 09:00 Open registration Tekken6(XBOX360) Game Crib
Wednesday, 09:00 Open registration DOTA tournament Game Crib
Wednesday, 09:00 Open registrations for FIFA Game Crib
Wednesday, 14:00 Deadline registrations for Counter-Strike 1.6 BYOC Qualifier Game Crib
Wednesday, 15:30 Counter-Strike 1.6 BYOC Qualification Game Crib
Wednesday, 17:00 Newbie Challenge briefing Creative Lounge
Wednesday, 18:00 Newbie Challenge Creative Lounge
We callenge all participants at TG who have never entered a creative competition to use this easter to create their debut contribution.

For all of you who pass the pre-selection in one of our creative competitions awaits a nice treat.
Wednesday, 19:30 TrackMania BYOC qualifier Game Crib
Kvalifisering til TrackMania turneringen via egen datamaskin.
Wednesday, 19:30 Ventelo Graphic Design Kick-off Creative Lounge
Wednesday, 20:00 Programming 101 Creative Lounge
Wednesday, 21:30 30 minutes warm-up Stage
Warming up for the grand opening with useful information and stupid human tricks.

Oppvarming før åpningsshowet med nyttig informasjon og dumme mennesketriks.
Wednesday, 22:00 Official opening with FRIKAR: THE SNUFFGRINDERS Stage
From the background of the Norwegian Eurovision winner comes one of the festival's biggest successes, FRIKAR Dance Company presents a thrilling full performance called The Snuff Grinders'
3 combined dance tradi
Wednesday, 22:40 Fun and games with 7rym and friends Stage
Funny, weird, hard and frightening stuff with 7rym and friends.
This is the place to be if you want to test yourself and waddle away with your arms full of prizes (or semi nude in soaked boxer shorts)
Everyone is a winner in 7ryms games (except from the losers of course...)

Morsomme, snåle, harde og skumle greier med 7rym og venner.
Dette er plassen å være hvis du vil teste deg selv og vralte hjem med armene fulle av premier (eller delvis naken med våte boxer shorts)
Alle er vinnere i 7ryms leker (unntatt de som taper selvfølgelig...)
Wednesday, 23:00 Demoshow: Best of TG Stage
Thursday, 00:30 Fun and games with 7rym and friends Stage
Funny, weird, hard and frightening stuff with 7rym and friends.
This is the place to be if you want to test yourself and waddle away with your arms full of prizes (or semi nude in soaked boxer shorts)
Everyone is a winner in 7ryms games (except from the losers of course...)

Morsomme, snåle, harde og skumle greier med 7rym og venner.
Dette er plassen å være hvis du vil teste deg selv og vralte hjem med armene fulle av premier (eller delvis naken med våte boxer shorts)
Alle er vinnere i 7ryms leker (unntatt de som taper selvfølgelig...)
Thursday, 00:30 Creative Nachspiel Creative Lounge
Thursday, 01:00 Deadline Quake Live registration Game Crib
Thursday, 01:00 Deadline Tekken6 registration Game Crib
Thursday, 01:00 Deadline FIFA registration Game Crib
Thursday, 03:00 Small HTML Assignment Release http://gathering.org
Release of the task assignment for the Small HTML competition. From the time of release the contestants will have 24 hours to complete and submit their entry.
Thursday, 09:00 CS 1.6 Group A & C Game Crib
Thursday, 10:00 Deadline registrations Dota Tournament Game Crib
Thursday, 10:30 CS 1.6 Group A & C Game Crib
Thursday, 12:00 CS 1.6 Group A & C Game Crib
Thursday, 12:00 Photo competition deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Photo competition.
Thursday, 12:00 Freestyle video deadline TG
The deadline for entering the Freestyle video competition.
Thursday, 12:00 Fast Remix remix kit release http://gathering.org
The remix kit for the fast remix competition will be released to the public. This marks the start of the 4 hour period the contestants has for working on their entries.
Thursday, 12:00 Tekken kickoff Game Crib
Thursday, 13:00 Hardcore Programming & SMALL HTML compo briefing Creative Lounge
Thursday, 13:30 Quake Live - Group Stage Game Crib
Thursday, 13:30 TM Round 1 Game Crib
Thursday, 13:30 GAME: Qpad - Qtour Agora
Thursday, 14:00 Lecture: Fremtidens videoløsninger og telepresence Auditorium
Kom og hør om dagens kommende løsninger innen visuell kommunikasjon. Det blir flere live demoinnslag i dette spennende foredraget.

Thursday, 14:00 Lecture IFI Creative Lounge
Thursday, 14:00 MS Paint competition deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the MS Paint competition.
Thursday, 14:30 Lecture: Simon McCallum, Brain Computer Gaming Stage
The human brain has an amazing ability to adapt to new interfaces. Our thoughts can race far faster than our fingers and arms are able to respond. With the development of Brain Computer Interfaces, the Emotiv EPOC, we can directly control computers with thoughts alone. This presentation demonstrates some of the potential for using your brains to control computer games and discuss the potential for new games that rely on our brain signals as the inputs. Come along and see the Emotiv EPOC in action and finally you can say "I can kill you with my brain" and actually mean it!

Den menneskelige hjernen har en fantastisk evne til tilpasse seg nye grensesnitt. Tankene våre ligger alltid foran før fingrene og armene våre rekker å reagere. Med utviklingen av grensesnitt koblet rett mot hjernen, f.eks the Emotiv EPOC, klarer vi å kontrollere maskiner med hjernen alene. Denne presentasjonen demonstrerer noe av potensialet som ligger i disse mulighetene for å bruke hjernesignaler i nye spill. Møt opp og se Emotiv EPOC i bruk og se at du endelig kan si "jeg kan drepe deg med tankene mine" og faktisk mene det!
Thursday, 14:30 Photoshop speedpaint session (wic) Creative Lounge
Thursday, 15:00 Lecture: Carsten Griwodz, Latency Can Kill, Defeat The Lag! Stage
"Lagger" er et vanlig uttrykk blant spillere på Internett – en betegnelse som uttrykker stor forsinkelse som sterkt påvirker spillopplevelsen.
Forskjellige spill har forskjellige krav for at spillopplevelsen skal bli god. I foredraget vil utfordringer ved dagens nettverk som skaper lag bli presentert. Vi introduserer også metoder for å redusere lag i forskjellige typer nettverk og spill.
Thursday, 15:00 Quake Live - Group Stage Game Crib
Thursday, 15:00 TM Round 1 Game Crib
Thursday, 16:15 Lecture: Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard, Superslurpende sorte hull og andre mysterier i Universet Stage
Opplev Universets voldsomste smell, snurrende stjernelik som er så magnetiske at de griller atmosfæren og sorte hull som slurper i seg nabostjerner. Oppdagelser fra rommet vises med spektakulære bilder, filmer, animasjoner og lydeffekter. Vi kjører rundt på Mars med kjøretøyer som fjernstyres fra Jorden. Det blir også vist smakebiter fra en ny DVD om verdensrommet og det blir mulig å se på og holde steiner fra rommet - også små biter fra Månen og fra Mars!
Thursday, 16:30 Quake Live - Group Stage Game Crib
Thursday, 16:30 TM Round 2 Game Crib
Thursday, 17:00 Music studio session (Kaktusen) Creative Lounge
Thursday, 17:15 Lecture: Microsoft Surface team Stage
Microsoft Surface team gives us a full technical demo of their state of the art Surface units. Feel it, try it, and see how Microsoft Surface provides us with a whole new set of tools for cooperative working for unified goals. This is the future we never thought possible, but that within short time will be in all our homes, removing the physical barriers between human and computer.

Microsofts Surface Team gir oss en full teknisk demonstrasjon av hvordan deres nye Surface-enheter fungerer. Føl deg frem, se og ta på denne nyvinningen som gir oss et helt nytt verktøysett for samarbeid mot felles mål, over en digital flate. Dette er fremtiden slik vi for kort tid siden ikke trodde den kunne se ut, men slik den om kort tid unektelig vil fremtone seg. Med Surface har Microsoft fjernet mange av de klassiske barriererene mellom menneske og maskin.
Thursday, 18:00 3D Programming for beginners Creative Lounge
Thursday, 18:00 TM Round 2 Game Crib
Thursday, 18:00 Fast remix deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Fast remix competition.
Thursday, 18:15 TG Market with Party-Svein! Stage
Got stuff - Want money?
Got money - Want stuff?
Peddle your goods during Party-Sveins auctions shifting stuff for amazingly good prizes!
Talk to Party-Svein @ Partyshop during the day and check if he can sell the new hardware you just won so you can pay for your next burger-meal @ the cafeteria...

Har'u greier og trenger spenn?
Har'u spenn og trenger greier?
Bra greier bytter eier under Party-Sveins auksjoner som garanterer bra priser på bra saker!
Prat med Party-Svein @ Partyshop i løpet av dagen og sjekk om han vil selge den nye greian du nettopp vant så du kan betale for neste burger i Nordre Sving...
Thursday, 19:00 Lecture NITH: Introduction to game development in XNA Auditorium
Introduction to game development in XNA
Can you create a game in one hour? Well, almost!
Marius Brendmoe and Petri Willhelmsen demonstrates, using the XNA framework, how to create a basic platformer in one hour.

Introduksjon til spillutvikling i XNA
Kan man lage et spill på en time? Nesten!
Marius Brendmoe og Petri Willhelmsen viser hvordan man kan lage et veldig enkelt platformspill på en time.
Thursday, 19:45 Demoshow - Legendary intros Stage
Thursday, 20:20 Photo, Fast Remix, MS Paint og Freestyle Video Stage
The title says it all. Come gather at the stage to admire the entries of The Gatherings creative competitors.
Thursday, 22:10 Mental Madness with hypnotist Henry Leander Stage
Can you make a man believe he is a dolphin? Can you forget the number 7? Many are the myths around hypnosis and the amazing effects it can have on normal people. Hypnotist Henry Leander is trained by the best and presents us a fantastic show making people from the crowd do the funniest things live on stage. Nobody gets hurt, but is it fact or fiction? Henry knows for sure, and YOU will find it out too...

Kan man virkelig overtale en mann til å tro han er en delfin? Går det an å glemme at tallet 7 eksisterer? Det florerer av myter rundt hypnose og de utrolige effektene det kan ha på helt ordinære mennesker. Hypnotisør Henry Leander er trent av de beste og viser oss et fantastisk show hvor han får folk fra publikum til å gjøre de morsomste tingene på scenen. Ingen blir skadet, men er det ekte eller avtalt spill? Henry vet sannheten og DU vil finne det ut selv også...
Thursday, 23:00 DJ: Miu Mashup Mania Creative Lounge
Thursday, 23:40 TGQuiz Stage
Kjiipe spørsmål for kjiipe folk
Quizmaster: Carl Henrik Myhre
Thursday, 23:59 Rendered GFX deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Rendered GFX competition.
Thursday, 23:59 Freestyle music deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Freestyle music competition.
Thursday, 23:59 Freestyle GFX deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Freestyle GFX competition.
Friday, 00:00 Creative Nachspiel Creative Lounge
Friday, 00:00 Hellfragger Liga Playoffs Game Crib
Friday, 01:10 Fun and games with 7rym and friends Stage
Funny, weird, hard and frightening stuff with 7rym and friends.
This is the place to be if you want to test yourself and waddle away with your arms full of prizes (or semi nude in soaked boxer shorts)
Everyone is a winner in 7ryms games (except from the losers of course...)

Morsomme, snåle, harde og skumle greier med 7rym og venner.
Dette er plassen å være hvis du vil teste deg selv og vralte hjem med armene fulle av premier (eller delvis naken med våte boxer shorts)
Alle er vinnere i 7ryms leker (unntatt de som taper selvfølgelig...)
Friday, 03:00 Small HTML Deadline TG
The deadline for entering the Small HTML competition.
Friday, 09:00 CS 1.6 Group B & D Game Crib
Friday, 10:00 Fast intro theme announcement http://gathering.org
The themes for this year's Fast intro competition are announced. This marks the start of the 8 hour period the contestants have to work on their entries.
Friday, 10:30 CS 1.6 Group B & D Game Crib
Friday, 12:00 CS 1.6 Group B & D Game Crib
Friday, 12:00 Open competition deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Open competition.
Friday, 12:00 Useless utility deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Useful utility competition.
Friday, 12:00 Useful utility deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Useful utility competition.
Friday, 12:00 FIFA kickoff Game Crib
Friday, 13:00 3D modelling studio session (cyasuey) Creative Lounge
Friday, 13:00 GAME: Qpad - Qtour Agora
Today and tomorrow we encourage all participants to watch the QTOUR 1on1 Championship which will take place by the stage in The Viking Ship.

The QTOUR Championship is a professional 1on1 tournament where the best individual player in each country in the most popular FPS games (normally played in teams of five) is crowned.

It is of course QPAD that arranges this championship, which they have been doing since 2004. Through the years the compo has developed from being a 1on1 shootout against Miguel Bonett in Counter Strike 1.6 to a "real" 16 player invite pro tournament single elimination bracket from 2006.
Friday, 13:30 Quake Live - Playoffs Round 1 Game Crib
Friday, 13:30 TM Round 3 Game Crib
Friday, 14:00 Lecture IFI Creative Lounge
Friday, 14:45 Lecture: Simon McCallum, Game Balance Stage
Balancing the player choices in games is critical to the long term playability. Dominant strategies quickly lead to games not longer being fun. This presentation talks about the two main forms of balancing in games. We will discuss the psychology behind winning strategies and what game designers do to keep the player engaged. Come and discover the secrets of Rock Paper Scissor strategy, and how understanding the balancing in a game can help you master it.

Riktig balanse i spill er kritisk for at spill skal fungere i lengden. Dominante strategier fører raskt til at spill ikke lenger er moro. Denne presentasjonen tar for seg de to måtene å balansere spill på. Vi diskuterer psykologi bak vinnende strategier og hva spilldesignere gjr for å holde spillerne engasjert. Kom og opplev hemmelighetene bak stein-saks-papir strategi, og forstå hvordan balansen i spill kan hjelpe deg til å mestre det.
Friday, 15:00 Quake Live - Playoffs Round 2 Game Crib
Friday, 15:00 TM Round 4 Game Crib
Friday, 15:00 Lecture: Study game development at NITH Auditorium
Study game development at NITH.
Marius Brendmoe explains the different game development courses at NITH as well as what opportunities are available to those who graduate.

Studer spillutvikling ved NITH
Marius Brendmoe forteller om de forskjellige spillutivklingskursene ved NITH
og hva du kan forvente av muligheter og miljø, om du skulle velge å søke.
Friday, 15:15 Lecture: Håkon Kvale Stensland, Temming av multikjerneprosessorer Stage
De fleste datamaskiner har i dag en multikjerneprosessor. Kanskje du
Også har et grafikkort i datamaskinen din, eller kanskje du har en
Playstation 3? Da har du også en asymmetrisk multikjerneprosessor - som
stort sett bare
utnyttes når du spiller spill! Vi vil presentere hva som er gjort så
langt i dette feltet, samt fortelle litt om potensialene og utfordringene
med å bruke asymmetriske
Friday, 15:30 Music in 4 kb studio session (Ferris) Creative Lounge
4 kb studio session (Ferris)
Friday, 15:45 Lecture: Simon McCallum, Augmented Reality Stage
Games are breaking free form the mouse and keyboard and are becoming
part of the world around us. Games that augment our reality, that
break the wall between the virtual world and our normal lives. This
presentation discusses some of the technology behind new Augmented
Reality games, and where these games might be going in the next few
years. Look at the technology behind the EyeToy, Natal, ARToolkit,
and even the Parrot ARDrone. We will show off some of our current
work, and play some AR games.
Friday, 16:30 Lecture: Climate Wars 2010 Stage
Bellona reviews this years edition of the game that is still influenced by political wars between the great powers of our world. No means is out of bounds in this game. Strategy, technology and a horde of ecowarriors battles intricate hidden agendaes. No cheatcodes, no savegames, no second chances.

Bellona anmelder årets utgave av spillet som fortsatt preges av stormaktskamp og skjulte agendaer. Alt er lov og alt er på spill. Strategi, teknologi og en horde av ecowarriors er eneste mulighet for å vinne kampen. No cheatcodes. No savegames.
Friday, 16:30 Music studio session (Flipside) Creative Lounge
Friday, 16:30 Quake Live - Bronze finale Game Crib
Friday, 16:30 TM Round 5 Game Crib
Friday, 17:20 PC World compo and giveaway Stage
Friday, 17:40 Amentio giveaway and compo Stage
Friday, 18:00 Coolermaster prize giving Stage
Friday, 18:00 Hellfragger Liga Playoffs Game Crib
Friday, 18:00 Fast intro deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Fast intro competition.
Friday, 18:15 TG Market with Party-Svein! Stage
Got stuff - Want money?
Got money - Want stuff?
Peddle your goods during Party-Sveins auctions shifting stuff for amazingly good prizes!
Talk to Party-Svein @ Partyshop during the day and check if he can sell the new hardware you just won so you can pay for your next burger-meal @ the cafeteria...

Har'u greier og trenger spenn?
Har'u spenn og trenger greier?
Bra greier bytter eier under Party-Sveins auksjoner som garanterer bra priser på bra saker!
Prat med Party-Svein @ Partyshop i løpet av dagen og sjekk om han vil selge den nye greian du nettopp vant så du kan betale for neste burger i Nordre Sving...
Friday, 19:00 Shader Programming (DigitalErr0r) Creative Lounge
Friday, 19:30 Hellfragger Liga Playoffs Game Crib
Friday, 20:00 Rendered, Freestyle Graphics, Freestyle Music & Fast Intro Compos Stage
Friday, 21:00 Hellfragger Liga Playoffs Game Crib
Friday, 22:10 BIGSHOW Fight Night Stage
You have all played legendary fighters in games, but now it's time for the real deal!
Fight Night brings out the best of the best and let them battle for glory in the squared circle right before our eyes. You have all seen pro wrestling shows, but never any like this. Every match contains at least one international champion, and the stakes are rising for every match. It all ends in the Main event where Michael Kovac puts the Euroupean Intercontinental championship up for grabs!

Dere har alle spilt legendariske slåsskjemper i spill, men Langfredag er det på tide med ekte vare!
Fight Night byr på kun de beste av de beste og lar dem kjempe for ære i den firkantede ringen rett foran øynene dine! Dere har alle sett pro wrestling show, men aldri som dette. Hver eneste kamp har minst en internasjonal mester, og alt eskaleres jo nærmere man kommer den gjeveste tittelen av dem alle i avslutningskampen hvor Michael Kovac setter den europeiske interkontinentale mestertittelen på spill!
Friday, 22:10 BIGSHOW Fight Night Agora
You have all played legendary fighters in games, but now it's time for the real deal!
Fight Night brings out the best of the best and let them battle for glory in the squared circle right before our eyes. You have all seen pro wrestling shows, but never any like this. Every match contains at least one international champion, and the stakes are rising for every match. It all ends in the Main event where Michael Kovac puts the Euroupean Intercontinental championship up for grabs!

Dere har alle spilt legendariske slåsskjemper i spill, men Langfredag er det på tide med ekte vare!
Fight Night byr på kun de beste av de beste og lar dem kjempe for ære i den firkantede ringen rett foran øynene dine! Dere har alle sett pro wrestling show, men aldri som dette. Hver eneste kamp har minst en internasjonal mester, og alt eskaleres jo nærmere man kommer den gjeveste tittelen av dem alle i avslutningskampen hvor Michael Kovac setter den europeiske interkontinentale mestertittelen på spill!
Friday, 23:59 Themed concept art deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Themed concept art competition.
Friday, 23:59 Hardcore programming deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Hardcore programming competition.
Friday, 23:59 Game development deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Game development competition.
Saturday, 00:15 Fast Remix compo Stage
Saturday, 00:45 Demoshow - State of the art Stage
Saturday, 01:00 Creative Nachspiel Creative Lounge
Saturday, 01:45 Creativia Prizegiving Stage
Saturday, 02:15 Fun and games with 7rym and friends Stage
Funny, weird, hard and frightening stuff with 7rym and friends.
This is the place to be if you want to test yourself and waddle away with your arms full of prizes (or semi nude in soaked boxer shorts)
Everyone is a winner in 7ryms games (except from the losers of course...)

Morsomme, snåle, harde og skumle greier med 7rym og venner.
Dette er plassen å være hvis du vil teste deg selv og vralte hjem med armene fulle av premier (eller delvis naken med våte boxer shorts)
Alle er vinnere i 7ryms leker (unntatt de som taper selvfølgelig...)
Saturday, 02:45 Game with Fame! Stage
Activision and Gunnars Optics lets 4 lucky punters play Modern Warfare2 with yet to be mentioned celebrities live on XBOX 360
Saturday, 09:00 Counter-Strike 1.6 Playoffs Game Crib
Saturday, 10:00 Hellfragger Liga Final Stage
Saturday, 10:30 Counter-Strike 1.6 Playoffs Game Crib
Saturday, 12:00 Counter-Strike 1.6 Bronze finale Game Crib
Saturday, 12:00 Demo competition soft deadline TG
By this deadline, a working version of an entry has to be uploaded in order to be able to compete in the Demo competition.
Saturday, 12:00 Intro competition soft deadline TG
By this deadline, a working version of an entry has to be uploaded in order to be able to compete in the Intro competition.
Saturday, 12:00 Ventelo graphic design deadline TG
This is the deadline for entering the Ventelo graphic design competition.
Saturday, 12:15 Counter-Strike 1.6 Final Stage
Saturday, 13:00 Small HTML & Useful Utility Show Creative Lounge
Saturday, 14:00 Game Awards Hype Warm-up Creative Lounge
Saturday, 14:30 Trackmania WCG national finals Game Crib
Saturday, 15:00 Tumbleweed Interactive - Umami playtest Creative Lounge
Saturday, 15:30 Quake Live Final Agora
Saturday, 16:00 Intro competition hard deadline TG
This is the final deadline for uploading entries for the Intro competition. Note that in order to be eligible for uploading at this time, a working version has to be submitted by the soft deadline for this competition.
Saturday, 16:00 Demo competition deadline TG
This is the final deadline for uploading entries for the Demo competition. Note that in order to be eligible for uploading at this time, a working version has to be submitted by the soft deadline for this competition.
Saturday, 16:00 Coolermaster Computer building made easy. Auditoriet.
A guide on how to build you own gaming computer. Picking out components, assembly and more.
A guide to both beginners and advanced users.
Saturday, 16:30 Lecture: From text to virus... with Sondov Engen Stage
Come and learn about the dangerous buffer-owerflow attack and why it's important to have basic knowledge about how machines work on a low level.

Kom å få en forklaring på det farlige buffer-overflow angrepet og hvorfor det er viktig å ha grunnleggende forståelse i hvordan en maskiner fungerer på ett lavt nivå.
Saturday, 16:30 Hardcore Programming Compo (Part 1) Creative Lounge
Saturday, 16:30 Trackmania Final Agora
Saturday, 16:45 Lecture: Marit Sandstad, The Universe - What do we know and how do we know it? Stage
Have you heard that it all started in a big explosion and the universe is still expanding?
Why do we really believe this and what proof do we have to do so?
Marit Sandstad is an expoert in theoretical astronomy at the University in Oslo, and will explain many of the universe's many mysteries, and how we came to many of our conclusions.
Finally, what dows it all have to do with easter? Join in and find out!

Har du hørt at alt startet i en diger eksplosjon og at universet fortsatt utvider seg?
Men hvorfor tror vi egentlig at det er slik og hvilke beviser legger vi til grunn?
Marit Sandstad er en ekspert i teoretisk fysikk og astronomi på Universitetet i Oslo, og vil forklare noen av universets mysterier og hvordan vi har kommet frem til konklusjonene våre.
Hva har så dette med påske å gjøre? Kom og finn ut selv!
Saturday, 17:30 Lecture: Tech-Net, How we built the TG network with Daniel Husand and Håvard Staub Nyhus Stage
Ever wondered how the network at The Gathering is built up by s
Saturday, 18:30 Hardcore Programming Compo (Part 2) Creative Lounge
Saturday, 19:00 TG Market with Party-Svein! Stage
Got stuff - Want money?
Got money - Want stuff?
Peddle your goods during Party-Sveins auctions shifting stuff for amazingly good prizes!
Talk to Party-Svein @ Partyshop during the day and check if he can sell the new hardware you just won so you can pay for your next burger-meal @ the cafeteria...

Har'u greier og trenger spenn?
Har'u spenn og trenger greier?
Bra greier bytter eier under Party-Sveins auksjoner som garanterer bra priser på bra saker!
Prat med Party-Svein @ Partyshop i løpet av dagen og sjekk om han vil selge den nye greian du nettopp vant så du kan betale for neste burger i Nordre Sving...
Saturday, 19:30 Themed Concept Art Compo Creative Lounge
Saturday, 20:00 Scene.org Awards & Release Party Auditorium
We gather in the creative lounge to celebrate the end of a lot of hard work while we wait for the compos to begin.

Scene.org awards will be streamed live from Breakpoint in germany on the big screen, and we will have a two-way video communication with them.
Saturday, 20:30 Rock'n'Grill concert with VOM Stage
What is the ultimate dreams for every participant of the worlds largest computer party?
We are pretty sure many of them includes girls, food and fun...
Enter VOM, the ever-pleasing rockband with the 4 lovely girls playing hard and singing hard hitting songs of food, chefs, more food and nerdy boys(!) To top it all, they bring and serve home baked muffins and starts the BBQ making burgers on the spot!
Are you coming or not?!?!?!?

Hva er de ultimate drømmene for deltagere på verdens største dataparty?
Vi er ganske sikre på at mange av dem inkluderer jenter, mat og moro...
...og der kommer VOM inn i bildet! Det nydelige rockebandet med 4 nydelige jenter i flotte kjoler som spiller hardtslående sanger om mat, kokker, mere mat og nerdete gutter(!) For å toppe hele greia har de med seg hjemmebakte muffins og fyrer opp grillen for å mekke burgere!
Kommer du eller?!?!?!?!?
Saturday, 20:30 Rock'n'Grill concert with VOM Agora
What is the ultimate dreams for every participant of the worlds largest computer party?
We are pretty sure many of them includes girls, food and fun...
Enter VOM, the ever-pleasing rockband with the 4 lovely girls playing hard and singing hard hitting songs of food, chefs, more food and nerdy boys(!) To top it all, they bring and serve home baked muffins and starts the BBQ making burgers on the spot!
Are you coming or not?!?!?!?

Hva er de ultimate drømmene for deltagere på verdens største dataparty?
Vi er ganske sikre på at mange av dem inkluderer jenter, mat og moro...
...og der kommer VOM inn i bildet! Det nydelige rockebandet med 4 nydelige jenter i flotte kjoler som spiller hardtslående sanger om mat, kokker, mere mat og nerdete gutter(!) For å toppe hele greia har de med seg hjemmebakte muffins og fyrer opp grillen for å mekke burgere!
Kommer du eller?!?!?!?!?
Saturday, 22:45 Intro, Gamedev, Ventelo Graphic Design & Demo Compos Stage
Sunday, 00:45 Release Party (continues) Creative Lounge
We gather in the creative lounge to celebrate the end of a lot of hard work and hopefully a bunch of great releases.
Sunday, 01:00 Fun and games with 7rym and friends Stage
Funny, weird, hard and frightening stuff with 7rym and friends.
This is the place to be if you want to test yourself and waddle away with your arms full of prizes (or semi nude in soaked boxer shorts)
Everyone is a winner in 7ryms games (except from the losers of course...)

Morsomme, snåle, harde og skumle greier med 7rym og venner.
Dette er plassen å være hvis du vil teste deg selv og vralte hjem med armene fulle av premier (eller delvis naken med våte boxer shorts)
Alle er vinnere i 7ryms leker (unntatt de som taper selvfølgelig...)
Sunday, 02:30 Game Prizegiving Stage
Sunday, 02:45 Creativia Prizegiving Stage