
Every year, the demoscene hands out its own awards for the most outstanding achievements of the past 12 months. We will be broadcasting the show in cooperation with Breakpoint in Germany in the auditorium tonight at 20:00! is a worldwide organization, focused on several things in relation to the demoscene. Not least of these is the fact that the organization each year sets down a jury to nominate the most outstanding demo productions of the past year. Then the nominees are released, and anyone is free to vote on their favourite productions. The winners are announced in a special ceremony at easter time at the demoparty Breakpoint at Bingen-am-Rhein in Germany.

However, The Gathering Creativia team will not only stream the ceremonies, we will actively participate in the proceedings. Several of the awards will be streamed live from our end as well, creating a collaboration across borders that is sure to be remembered in the years to come.

Show up in the auditorium at 20:00 to see the years most important demoscene event!

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