Under Hypnosis

Thursday night we experienced a hypnosis show from the Norwegian hypnotist Henry Leander Andersen. Check out the complete video from the show and see comments from the participants that experienced hypnosis first hand.

The participants accounted for the entertainment themselves when the third night show was running its course. Watch video.

The 1st of April is more than just April's fools. Hypnotist Henry Leander Andersen introduced some volunteering TG participants to unknown sides of themselves as entertainment for the masses. In the first video you'll see the lucky chosen perform to their heart's content on the big stage. Notable examples include an Elvis imitation with a broom, a Chinese dialog with unusual translations and a borderline strip show.

Part 1 (Duration: 45 minutes):

Part 2 (Duration: 45 minutes):

In the second video you'll see the participant's reactions of seeing themselves perform voodoo acts. When they where asked about the duration of their hypnosis, most guesses were between ten and 20 minutes. The answer: one hour and 15 minutes.

More information: Videos

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