Make stuff, get money!

Do you want to participate in the creative competitions at The Gathering? Read on for important information about how to hand in contributions, and how to vote for who gets the prizes!

Hand in your entry

Just like previous years, we'll be using PartyTicket for managing the entries in the different creative competitions. This is the same system you used to buy your ticket, and you use the same login details (user name, password). The system can be found here:

On the main menu, click "compos". Find the competition(s) you want to participate in, and click "Handin". Follow the on-screen instructions, and you should now successfully be a part of our proud traditions of high-quality entries and worthy winners. If something goes wrong, or if you suspect something went wrong, don't hesitate to ask for help in the Creative Lounge!


Regardless of whether you've entered a competition or not, we need your help to find a worthy winner. Vote early, vote often! To make voting simpler than ever, we are introducing an SMS system for voting. Every competition has its own compo code, and every entry in the competitions will have an entry number displayed during the compo show. Send an SMS that looks like this, where you replace the fields in brackets with the correct code:

TG10<compo code> <entry number>

(Eg. TG10FGFX 3 to vote for entry 3 in the Freestyle Graphics compo)

Send the SMS to 1938.

You can only vote once for each entry, but you can vote for as many entries as you want. Each vote will cost you NOK 3, barely covering the cost of providing this service to you. Now go out there and make this the best creative TG ever!

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