Still wondering what to eat at TG?

Are you still wondering how you're going to stay alive during five days of continuous hacking? We want to remind you once again that The Gathering is offering you a ticket for three breakfasts and three proper dinners.

A new ticket this year is the "Nordre Sving meal ticket". The ticket can be bought from and it will grant you 3 breakfast buffets and 3 dinners.

We would like to explicitly state that the meal ticket is available for puchase without having to be in any queue and that it's available for all participants no matter which ticket they've got for admission.

The breakfast buffets will consist of cold cuts, bread, eggs, milk and coffee. Valued at 60 NOK per breakfast.

The 3 dinners will be filet of chicken, pork patties and taco buffet respectively, complete with side dishes. The dinners are valued at 85 NOK each.


Price: 350 NOK + 27 NOK in fees, totaling at 377 NOK.

Curently, meals are scheduled to take place at the following times:

Breakfast: 0800-1100
Dinner: 1500-1800

The third party serving the meals might change this schedule at any given time.

N.B. For those of you that are worried about the hygiene surrounding the food, we would like to point out that the "Nordre Sving" cafeteria, which will be responsible for the food, are subject to Norwegian laws and regulations.


Photo: CC-by-nc-nd by bookgrl at flickr

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