Tickets are ONLY availble through

At the moment tickets are only available at
Private sales are NOT allowed at this point.

Prices are as follows:
Normal ticket including KANDU-membership: 842 NOK (800 + 42 in PTN-fee)
Foreigner ticket: 424 NOK (400 + 24 PTN-fee)
For more information; see ticket article

At this moment you may not sell or buy tickets out side of, resale off tickets will only be allowed after the partyticket refund date expires. (date will be announced later)

You may NOT sell tickets for a price higher than that you paid for it; this is set by Norwegian law (

WARNING: If you ignore this you might end up losing all your tickets, and being denied entry on a future event.

To the ticket buyer
Do not accept any prices higher than the buyer bought it for (800/400/(1000 - no KANDU membership ticket), if a seller tries to sell you a ticket for higher than that price ignore him and report him to us, we will take appropriate action against him / her.

Note: You're NOT paying the PTN-fee because it's already paid by the seller and it's not possible to refund this in any way.

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