Special tickets

Creative/Demoscene ticket

These tickets are meant for participants who come to The Gathering to be creative, learn or compete in creative competitions. The creative tickets will have their own seating area, separate from the rest. Seat map will be given at a later time. You need to apply for a Creative ticket, and your application needs to be accepted by the Creativia crew before you get a ticket. There is a questionnaire in partyticket.net where you can explain why you should be able to buy such a ticket.

The price is 800kr + 42kr in fees, totaling 842kr.

ProGamer tournament ticket

There are some changes in this year's ticket for gamers - the ProGamer tournament ticket does not give seating access. It does, however, give access to enter tournaments and voting.

In many ways, this ticket is equal to a fulltime visitor ticket, except for the ability to vote and participate in tournaments. This ticket is necessary if you want to enter the ProGamer tournament at TG, but don't have a regular ticket. It grants you access to all these tournaments, and all goodies that comes with that registration, access to TG without any table, chair or computer spot for the span of the event.

You can participate in all game competitions with a regular ticket, this ticket is only for those who do not want to bring their own computer and have their own seat.

Price is 800kr + 42kr in fees, totaling 842kr


Nordre Sving meal ticket

No longer in sale

This year's newcomer is the Nordre Sving meal ticket. This ticket can be bought from partyticket.net, and will grant you 3 breakfast buffets and 3 dinners. The breakfast buffets consists of cold cuts, bread, eggs, milk and coffee, and are valued at 60kr each. The 3 dinners are filet of chicken, pork patties and taco buffet respectively complete with side dishes, valued at 85kr each. Full price would be 435kr, but the ticket saves you approximately 20% at 350kr, excluding the ticket fee.

You must have a PTN card to use the vouchers. If you don't have a PTN card you will be able to buy one at the party.

More information will be given regarding the actual use of this ticket.

Price: 350kr + 27kr in fees, totaling 377kr.