Creating an account at

Two important things to remember

  1. We recommend that you avoid using Hotmail. Their filter normally marks e-mails from
    PTN as spam/junk. We recommend GMail or another client.

  2. You must register with a valid address, date of birth and phone number! If you're not then you'll be stopped in the queue outside Vikingskipet to fill in correct information. And it's probably not so funny for you or us.

Go to this page if you already have an account, or here if you want to register a new one.

Please fill in your details and then press save. You will now get the message "Done registering -" at the top of the browser. Check your e-mail, PTN just sent you one, if you entered wrong address, please go to this page and fix it now.

Hopefully you will get an e-mail with subject "PTN account activation". Click on the link as the e-mail says. You have 14 days to activate your account.

If you don't get an e-mail from PTN, please check out this form and fill it out. PTN will get in touch with you asap. Then you get the message "Thank you for confirming your e-mail change. Your e-mail has been changed from nothing to (your email).

You will now have the opportunity to fill in all information about yourself needed at Edit details.

You can also click Member card and assign your VISA or MasterCard as a member card. Then write in your card number and press "Add this card".