Games are healthy!

Bernt Erik Sandnes have worked with games and gaming for 15 years. This year at The Gathering he is having a lecture about how gaming is healty.

What is great about Bernt Erik is that he gives the participants a chance to join in on his lectures, discussing everything from the parents innvolment in their childrens gaming to stories about people he have helped trough the years.

His lecture at The Gathering was about how children are easely affected, and that the age limit for each game is important. And that the parents, without being strict, should be more innvolved, and be a part of their childrens life in general. Most children want their parents to be a part of their everyday life, also when it comes to gaming. This will also make it easier to set limits, and prevent the gaming from getting out of hand.

As the gaming industry is getting bigger and bigger, the more parents and other caregivers need to know about it. And it's not that hard! It's all about the communication.

What Bernt Erik also say that's going to be more and more important, is that there is ways for your gaming-loving children to sucseed doing what he/she loves, it might not be as a professional gamer, but there are several diffrent jobs and opportunities where this knowlegde is important.

Gaming is a creative platform, and it help children get friends, be social, learn and also develop themselves. When it comes to The Gathering, Bernt Arne thinks it's great, children are having fun, playing games, and they also get to know new people. And all of this in secure and healty environments.

If Bernt Arne stops by a place close to you, be sure to check out his lecture. You might also win some awesome prices.

Some good advice from Bern Arne to parents of gamers:
- Make it a healty part of the daily routine.
- Give your kid “Screen time”. (Everything from Xbox to Ipad.)
- Listen and talk to your children.
- Look for non-voilent games.
- Ask your kids what their friends are playing, then ask the parents.
- Age-limits are there for a reason, but if you are in doubt, ask someone.