Meal tickets: schedule and important information

If you have bought a meal ticket, please read this

How the tickets work

Your ticket is incorporated in the NFC tag on your bracelet. This means that there will be a scanner inside the cafeteria, similar to the one you encountered when checking in. The entrance is through a door on the right side of the cafeteria, right above the pizza shop. Do not confuse it with the main entrance where the cafeteria’s logo is. This door is labelled “Kinnarps rommet”.

Do you have more than one meal ticket?

It's also important that if you have more than one ticket, you have to assign the ticket to its rightful owner. This is because all the information on your user is stored in the NFC-chip located in your wristbands. This will make things easier for you and everyone involved - it will also get you your food faster.

Food will be served at these times, from Thursday through Saturday

Breakfast: 08.00 – 11.00
Dinner: 16.00 – 19.00


  • Thursday - Meat patties with gravy, sauerkraut, lingonberries and flat-bread
  • Friday - Homemade lasagna with fresh tossed salad, bread and butter
  • Saturday - Taco buffet.

At the breakfast buffet you'll get various kinds of bread, spreads and eggs along with milk and coffee