How To: A Guide To Sleeping At The Gathering

How do I sleep?

1. Step away from your computer.
1.5 Yes, you must.
2. Grab your sleeping gear.
3. Find a place to sleep.
4. Move to a horizontal position.
5. Sleep.

As much as you might think the opposite, sleep is essential to your experience of The Gathering.

How do I sleep?

1. Step away from your computer.
1.5 Yes, you must.
2. Grab your sleeping gear.
3. Find a place to sleep.
4. Move to a horizontal position.
5. Sleep.

Without sleep, your senses are extremely dulled and how then will you be able to enjoy gaming, being social and the amazing atmosphere here in the hall?

What happens to your body when you don't get enough sleep?

If you don't get enough sleep your entire body will be affected. This is also the case for low-quality sleep, usually induced by too much caffeine. It reduces your immune-system, making you vulnerable to bacteria and becoming sick easier. It also weakens your reflexes, making things such as gaming harder to do and less fun.

Medic reports two "kinds" of people: the Hobbit and the Zombie. The hobbit sleeps at their desk which cause their feet to swell - whilst the zombie hasn't slept at all and is, well, a zombie. You can tell a zombie to sleep, but it will only turn around and walk away. If you're reaching zombie-status or see anyone who is a zombie, please sleep or help them find a place to sleep. It's dangerous for you and everyone else; and we want you to be safe - not falling down stairs and hurting yourself.

In all seriousness: sleeping areas are marked and are pretty easy to find. Avoid sleeping by your computer, and don't become a zombie.