Apply for Crew for a day

Are you wondering what all those people running around in crew sweaters are doing? Would you like to experience TG behind the scenes? Now you have the opportunity to apply for Crew For A Day!

As a CFAD you get the opportunity to experience what it's like to work as a volunteer at The Gathering. You will work for one whole shift as a part of the crew you are accepted into, and you will get to learn more about what this crew do and how they work. If you plan to apply for Crew next year, having been a CFAD is a huge advantage.

All our tickets (even visitor tickets) will allow you to apply, as long as the ticket is valid for the duration of your shift. There is no age restriction to apply for CFAD and you can apply for all crew-positions.
As CFAD you are a full member of the crew and you will get a sweater, id-card and food. You will even get to keep the sweater after The Gathering is finished.

There are openings for CFAD from Tuesday (that is the day before the opening) through to Sunday. If you apply for working on Tuesday, please say so in your application.

Here is a description of all the different crews
The descriptions are all in Norwegian, but we are open for applications from people using other languages.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for CFAD, send an email to
Please state your name, age, and what you would like to do (which Crew).
To increase your chance for a position you should try to tell us why you want to work with us and how you think you can contribute (the Crew like words like "hugs", "sweat", "humor", "responsibility", "fun", "dedicated", "joy", etc.)
The applications can be written in both English and Norwegian.

If available, we strongly urge you to attach an id-quality photo of yourself for the id-card, if not, we will take one when you start your shift.

If your application is accepted, you will normally get a reply the day before your assigned shift.

You can read about others experience of being Crew for a day here (This article is in Norwegian.)