Opening Hours in Hamar during TG15

If you forgot something essential when you packed up and left for The Gathering, don't worry! In Hamar you can find everything from grocery stores, gas stations, fast food and restaurants to shopping malls.

Because TG is held in the middle of Easter the shops have different opening hours than what they usually have. We gathered the opening hours from the closest stores, shops and malls for you.

Remember: We're 5000 in the hall, and chances are a lot of you will be taking the trip to one of the stores listed below. To avoid queue and chaos in the local community, we suggest you buy what you need in advance.

Grocery stores:

CC mat (located in CC Stadion), 1 km
Wednesday: 09.00—21.00
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 09.00—16.00
Sunday: Closed

Kiwi CC Mart'n, 1 km
Wednesday: 07.00—23.00
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 07.00—16.00
Sunday: Closed

Joker Skolegata, 2.3 km (The only grocery store open every day)
Wednesday: 07.00-22.00
Thursday: 09.00 -22.00
Friday: 09.00-22.00
Saturday: 09.00-18.00
Sunday: 09.00-22.00

Fast food and restaurants:

Burger King (located in CC Stadion), 1 km
Wednesday: 10.00—23.00
Thursday: 13.00—20.00
Friday: 13.00—20.00
Saturday: 09.00—20.00
Sunday: 13.00—20.00

Peppes Pizza, 1,7 km
Wednesday: 11.00—22.30
Thursday: 11.00—22.30
Friday: 11.00—23.30
Saturday: 11.00—23.30
Sunday: 11.00—22.30

McDonalds, 2 km
Wednesday: 10.00—23.00
Thursday: 10.00—23.00
Friday: 10.00—23.00
Saturday: 10.00—23.00
Sunday: 10.00—23.00

Gas station:

Statoil, 0,9 km
Wednesday: 00.00—24.00
Thursday: 00.00—24.00
Friday: 00.00—24.00
Saturday: 00.00—24.00
Sunday: 00.00—24.00

Shopping mall:

CC Stadion, 1km
Wednesday: 10.00—21.00
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 09.00—16.00
Sunday: Closed

Maxi, 3,3 km
Wednesday: 09.00—21.00
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 09.00—16.00
Sunday: Closed