Pimp My Reol

Amy and Toni have chosen their finalists and they are asking everyone at The Gathering to give them their feedback by voting.


The Pimp My Reol contest is a showdown between all participants who go the extra mile to pimp their desk at the Gathering. Amy and Toni were looking for the most ingenious, interesting and entertaining desk compositions and now they have chosen their top 5 based on these criteria:

Creativity (gismos, gadgets and ingenuity, theme)
Artistic merit (aesthetically pleasing, overall composition)
Badassness (self-explanatory)


So to give Amy and Toni your feedback on which reol you like the best go to Pimp My Reol Feedback and let them know which one you think should win. Feedback closes at 10.00 Saturday morning.


The winners are to be announced during Afternoonish on TGTV at 15.00 on Saturday.