Nerdswim: - Meet two fresh and clean participants

We've talked to two cheery swimmers!

Sigurd Lillebo and Håvard Øya thought it was great to take a break from gaming.

- It’s great to do something else than to just play games, so nerdswim was a nice opportunity to get a break from gaming. It’s refreshing to take a bath, you feel fresh and ready for more gaming, said Sigurd.

The Gathering had 325 free tickets to give away, and both Sigurd and Håvard thought this was a fantastic opportunity for all participants to do something else than gaming.

- Everyone that wanted to take a bath in Ankerskogen could join for free, and I think that is great because when it’s free, more participants can join. I definitely want nerdswim next year too, said Sigurd.

The participants enjoyed being active in the water and fight on the water obstacle. Both Sigurd and Håvard spent most of their time on the obstacle.

- I think it’s great to do something else than just be in front of a PC-screen. And to come back to the venue fresh and clean after one hour of activity is an awesome feeling, said Håvard.

Being active was something that Sigurd and Håvard had in common.

- It’s great to use some energy and to be active, said Sigurd right before he and Håvard jumped into the pool for some more fighting on the obstacle.