Meet the youtuber Alacho

There are a many participants that come to The Gathering to stream or make youtube videos. We found one of them and interviewed him about his career as a youtuber.

Alacho (20) is one of many youtubers at TG. With his 26.000 followers on youtube, he represents a growing sector in the entertainment industry. More and more streamers are able to make a living out of services such as youtube or We asked Alacho about why he makes videos.

- I’ve been working with youtube because I played a lot of games two years ago, and realized it was making me unhealthy, so I thought that making something productive out of it was an good idea, so I started making youtube videos.

Many youtubers make minecraft videos, and among them is Alacho.

- I play a lot of Minecraft. I have been trying to play some other games, and its fun to try something new.

A lot of people visit TG over and over again because of the awesome community and good atmosphere, this goes for Alacho as well, who is participating for his 5th year, but this is his first time being a streamer at The Gathering.