Vikingskipet, Hamar
16.–20. April, 2014
Registration for Cosplay! Awards! is closed
Photo by Steinar H. Gunderson

Registration for Cosplay! Awards! is closed

Here’s all the information you need to join the Cosplay! Awards! at The Gathering 2014



Cosplay! Awards! takes place at The Gathering on Friday 18th of April at 20:00.

There are four categories in this years competition:

Cosplayer of the Year
Golden Art
Hidden Gem
Lost Art
Read more about the categories here.

What is Cosplay! Awards!?

The show is all about showing off your work - no matter how much effort you have left in it. It is about you getting motivation to continue cosplaying, and to inspire other people to getting into this fantastic art. It is not a competition in how to be the best Cosplayer.

We hope you want to attend regardless of whether you are a professional artist or you have just started Cosplaying. As a participant in the competition you're only expected to show off your costume and answer a few questions about it. There will be no difficult questions, just trivial ones to understand your choice of character.

This show is not about awarding the "best" costumes, but to show off all the creativity involved in making a costume. Even if you make your costume while attending one of our workshops, we still encourage you to sign up.

Our Cosplay! Award! show will have a panel of judges consisting of three active cosplayers. Sachie from Geek & Sundry, Vegard and "Tora"­ - the orange sabertooth tiger will be our judges for the award show.

How do I sign up?

Please fill out the form below with some information about you and how we can contact you if we have any questions before, during and after Cosplay! Awards!. Describe the character you are Cosplaying as, too. If you already have a picture of your character/costume please attach a link to the photo.

You can register any time you want, just make sure you do it before 21.00 Thursday 17th of April.