Task assignment for Small HTML

Write out the given text, as a sinusoid curve (sine/cosine both accepted).

The following criteria must be satisfied:

  • The curve must have 32 y levels
  • All characters must occupy the same space in height (this includes whitespace characters)
  • All characters must occupy the same space in width (this includes whitespace characters)
  • Character can not overlap neither in height or width
  • All characters in the given text must be written out, including whitespaces and punctuation
  • The text must be written out as black characters on a red background
  • The submitted file must be named "small.html". If an entry is not named correctly, we will rename the file to small.html before testing it.
  • The curve must reach the outer points (max y value and min y value) at least four times, and maximum six times for each outer point.

Text to be written out:

The Gathering (TG) is a result that rose from a challenge. After submitting complaints to a few other computer parties, the response received by TG’s founders was: “If you think it’s so easy, why don’t you try to arrange a computer party yourself?”

Please observe the rules of the compo:



Here's a reference implementation. Use it as a reference, or as a starting point for your own entry:




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