www.gathering.org/tg98/tickets.shtml Sunday, October 03. 2010
The Gathering '98
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The ultimate TG-ticket guide

Norwegians and Swedes:

Before you can reserve a table you MUST have a ticket.
Norwegians can buy their ticket at Billettservice.
Swedes can buy their ticket at BiljettDirekt.
If you're not from either Norway or Sweden, take a look a bit further down the page.

Buying a ticket is also the only way you can be guaranteed to get in as there is a chance that we might be sold out this year.
What does this mean??? Let's just say we are sold out before we open (At this moment there are still plenty of tickets left). If you live in Alta, and has travelled for four days to get to TG even though you do not have a ticket. Then we're very sorry but you will have to turn back home.
This may sound a bit hard, but you have had three months to pick up a phone to order your ticket, so you've had your chance.
If you're neither norwegian or swedish and you think this is heartless of us, we urge you again to take a look a bit further down the page.

Norwegian tickets:
A norwegian ticket looks more or less like this (typos are for real...):
RAD:__  PLASS: UNR  PRIS:310,00 AVG.: 10,00
 21 31 48

FRA 8.4.KL.08.00
TIL 12.4.KL.18.00




At the bottom of the grey area to left on the ticket, you can see some blinking green numbers (Well, on the ticket they're not blinking at all and they're even printed in black, but I highlighted them with blinking green text on this page). This is the number you should use to reserve your table.
If you bought more than one ticket you will notice that this number is the same on all your tickets. Don't worry. You will be able to register just as many tables as you bought tickets.
If you do not have this number on your ticket, check the ticket again - maybe you just didn't spot it the first time. If it's still not there, there's no way out - you'll have to contact us through our very special help-page

Swedish tickets:
The procedure for reserving tables with a swedish ticket is a bit different and we will explain it in a few days.
When we get our hands on a swedish ticket we will publish a copy of it on the web too.

Updated 23. March 1998:
Please have some patience. BiljettDirekt does not send very informative ticketupdates to us, so we have to work out something special for the Swedish tickets. We hope to have it ready befor this weekend.

People from other countries

If you are planning on going to the Gathering 1998 you will not have any chance of buying a ticket in advance. In order to reserve your seat you will therefore have to contact us to get a reservation number. Please respect that we have limited space and do not order any more seats than the number of persons you are certain will travel with you to TG98.
As previously mentioned. There is a risk that we might be sold out before we open this year, but don't worry. We will not close the doors for foreigners that hasn't had any chance of buying a ticket in advance. Norwegians and swedes that show up without a ticket will not be let in though.

Team 17ScalaBMG Ariola
Last Modified: October 02. 2010 [15:06]