www.gathering.org/tg98/tg97vid.shtml Sunday, October 03. 2010
The Gathering '98
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TG97 Documentary

This documentary was made by Geir Bruskeland, and has been converted to Real Video by us.
All videoclips are in Norwegian, and there are no subtitles, but even if you don't understand norwegian you will get a good impression of how it is to be at The Gathering.
If you want to order this video on VHS, you can contact Geir Bruskeland on his homepage.

Select the videoclips you want to see

NameTimeSmall description of the clip.
Intro 0:42 Well, small intro. Ufortunately without sound :-( We'll make a new version "real-soon-now"
Day 1 12:58 People arrive, and our registration-system crashes wildly. To make things perfect - so does the network.
Day 2 7:46 Noisy concert.
Day 3 8:25 Interviews with:
  • Bjørn Lynne (Dr. Awesome / Crusaders)
  • Radioactive (Party radio guys)
Day 4 11:39 Amiga/PC/WiLD Demo-competitions.
Interview with:
  • Flemming Frandsen (Registration software author)
Day 5 7:28 Price ceremony, people packs up. Interview with several people (well, mostly Swedes actually) saying what they thought of TG97. and Vegard Skjefstad (Head Honcho of TG97)

Team 17ScalaBMG Ariola
Last Modified: October 02. 2010 [15:06]