Vikingskipet, Hamar
16.–20. April, 2014
The Creative Gathering - Friday
Photo by Kim Kverneland

The Creative Gathering - Friday

Another creative day at The Gathering is awaiting. Here's what happens on Friday.

Friday awaits more deadlines, a new stressful task, several interesting lectures and educational workshops.

Set your alarm clock for 10:00 if you like to create demos with a time pressure. It’s time for the fast demo competition! A competition that brings forth the worst hacks in you, and pushes your creativity to a new level. The theme consists of three fairly random words which you should use to create your demo in just eight hours.

At 12:00 the deadline troll comes forth and streaks its deadline hammer at Useful Utility, Useless Utility, Small HTML, Freestyle Graphics, Freestyle Music, Freestyle Video, MS Paint and Remix. If you’re creating something for any of these competitions, be sure to set your alarm clock!

The day's first workshop starts at 12:00, and you can learn how to create your own Chrome Extension. Afterwards, you can submit your own extension and win awesome prizes. At 14:00 Wictoria Nordgård takes over, with a workshop about useful tips and tricks in Photoshop. Bring your own laptop or use one of our workstations in the lounge.

At 18:00 the day's last deadlines hits. This time it’s Fast Demo and Game Level Design. Do not forget to submit!

An hour later we kick off our componight with MS Paint and Remix, followed by at 21:30 with Freestyle Music, Rendered GFX and Freestyle Graphics. Be there or be lame!

This promises for yet a wonderful creative day at The Gathering. And do not forget to come by the lounge if you want to learn something new or just hang out.

Also, if you’ve made something awesome you want to show off, or just is good at a subject and you want to talk about it – come to the lounge and talk to us, we’ll get you on the creative lounge stage! See you there!