Vikingskipet, Hamar
16.–20. April, 2014


The annual creative competitions at The Gathering are your unique chance to show or play your masterpiece to a large audience on one of the best audio and video systems in the country. You'll get a live reaction and feedback from a crowd of inspired fans, and have a chance to win great prizes.

This is a list of the creative competitions that will be held at The Gathering 2014. You can start working on your entry right away (except in the Fast and Themed compos)!

Detailed descriptions of the compos and rules will be published later.

More compos may be announced later.


  •  Combined Demo/Intro
    Where teamwork, adept skills and long nights become mindblowing entertainment. Create an executable showdown of your graphic, music and programming skills combined.
  • Fast Demo
    Make a quick and dirty demo in only eight short hours based on three crazy themes.
  •  Game Development
    Develop a game and present it on the stage.
  •  Fast Game Development
    Create a small game based on some themes during TG14.


  • Capture the spirit of The Gathering
    (Pre-TG competition) Show us what TG is for you in a short movie.
  •  Freestyle Video
    For animation, editing, direction and innovation worthy of more than YouTube.
  • Ten Second Movie
    Make an entertaining summary of a longer movie where you present a message in just ten seconds!
  • Visual Effects
    Show us your awesome skills in visual film effects that is Hollywood worthy!



  • AI Programming
    Create an artificial intelligence and let it battle your contestants on the big screen. The compo case and development kit can be found here: AI Compo Case .
  • TG Programming Championship 
    Flex your biggest algorithmic muscles in order to solve a difficult problem.
  • Hacking competitionThe competition consists of many different tasks in information security. Can you hack your way through?
  • Small HTML
    Dirty hacks beyond quirks mode. Make an HTML-page as small as you can (in terms of bytes) while it still displays the same image in the browser. Assignment is released at the party.
  • Useless Utility
    Usable, but useless. To be truly useless, an entry must have no possibilities for benificial use.
  • Useful Utility
    Create an app that will make the users' lives easier and/or more fun.


  •  Freestyle Music
    Your original track, played out loud for the first time to a large audience.
  •  Remix
    We'll provide a track, you'll do a remix.
  •  Fast Music
    Make a track in a few hours!


  • Game Level Design
    Show us your cool mod!
  • Cosplay
    Compete with your amazing costume in four different and exciting categories
Photo by Steinar H. Gundersom. The picture is from a compo show at the main stage.