Vikingskipet, Hamar
27.–31. March, 2013

Useless Utility


  1. Hand-in

    Entries must be delivered through the web-based compo system.

    If you really want to make us happy, please hand in a ZIP or RAR file containing the entry itself, and a short text file (file_id.diz/.nfo/.txt) with information about the entry as well as contact info.

  2. Criterias for judging entries

    To be truly useless, an entry must have no possibilities for benificial use. None. If we find a practical application for an entry it will not win.

    We have a sense of humor, and appreciate crazy ideas.

    Doing nothing is not an option.

    While a program that does nothing but start up and then quit is useless, we already thought of that. Thus any entry doing the same would be plagiarism, and promptly disqualified.

  3. Originality

    You have to make your own entry.

    This means that handing us a Windows installation CD/DVD is not allowed, and the same goes for any other software you have not made yourself. Please refrain from being stupid.

  4. Deciding a winner

    The winner will be decided by us.

  5. Allowed languages and platforms

    Any, as long as you can demonstrate your utility for us, and on stage.