Vikingskipet, Hamar
27.–31. March, 2013

Small HTML

Compo case

This year you are going to implement a classic demo effect: The barbershop twister. We have made an example implementation for you, although you probably should not look to it for inspiration code-wise, it is just over 17MB.

Download it here.


  1. Hand-in

    The assignment will be announced at the party, and the deadline for hand-in will be 24 hours after this announcement.

    Entries must be delivered through the web-based compo system as a single .html file, and the name should be "small.html". If you deliver with another name, we will rename the file before running it.

  2. Deciding a winner

    The winner will be the entry with the smallest file size. An entry must fulfill all success parameters given in the task assignment.

  3. Embedded scripts or styles

    Embedded CSS or client-side script code is allowed.

  4. Referencing external resources

    The entry is not allowed to reference any external resources or files, either locally or via network.

  5. Browsers and standards

    The entries will be tested in the latest available stable version of Chrome at the time of the deadline.

    The entries are not required to validate against any standards, or work in several browsers.

  6. Judging

    You should try to approximate the look of the example code as much as possible, but your entry does not have to be pixel perfect even though it should resemble the example as much as possible. What we're after is the effect, not the exact dimensions, colors and timings. The minimum requirements are that the canvas should be 640x480, the twister needs four sides with a different color on each side and be approximately the same size as the example, and it should at minimum complete a full rotation in twenty seconds.The background must be black. If you're unsure if your submission meets the requirements, please contact the Creativia crew.