The Gathering 2012 At the end of the universe
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Creative compos

Has learnt a lot by working with a small budget

The winner of the «Best Direction Award» at The Gathering 2012, Anders Øvergaard, will soon be going to the US to see how Norwegian director Harald Zwart works. In the mean time, he shares some of his movie making history with us.

Harald Zwart video competition

Watch Harald Zwarts announce the winner of his video competition

NGA Game Development Competition

All teams will be presenting their game on the main stage Saturday night. All material that is to be presented must be delivered to Norwegian Game Awards in the Creativia area on a usb stick by Saturday 18:00. If you want to play your game on stage, you must show up and tell us this. If you fail to deliver, you will only be able to talk about your game during your presentation. All participants must be ready to present their game and meet at the Norwegian Game Awards area Saturday 19:30


If there is one thing that is more important than everything else - it is to vote for the competitions!

Fast Intro Themes

The Fast Intro themes are released! 8 hours, three words, make a demo or intro!

Fast Remix kit released!

 The fast remix kit has been released!

Small HTML compo case

The small HTML compo case is now released.

Creative prizes annnounced

Participate in the creative compos at the The Gathering and win cash prizes!

Creativity at The Gathering 2008-2011

On our journey through The Gathering's creative history, we've reached the time right upto the present. 

Creativity at The Gathering 2004-2007

We continue our history of the creative competitions at The Gathering, this time 2004 - 2007.

Theme for the NGA Themed Game Development Compo Released!

You now have about one week to create a game with your interpretation of the theme. Thats not a lot of time, so get cooking!

Hardcore Programming Compo

Fire up your editors and compilers, the Hardcore programming compo is now released.

Synthetic sound. For real!

We provide you with a software synth (VSTi), and you make a track with it. No other sound sources are allowed. Not that it matters, since it's technically impossible to include them anyway.

Download the archive, read the documentation, have fun!

Themed Graphics and Themed Photo

This year's themes for the Themed Graphics and Themed Photo compos are now announced. Deadline: Thursday.

Make a demo already!

A well known tradition at The Gathering is the demo compo. It is probably the most prestigious compo of them all - where famous international groups fight for the top positions and the grand prizes. New technology has made it easier than ever to make demos, and we will show you how you can participate in this year's demo compo.

Creative Compos

Start your compilers! Power up your synthesizers! Sharpen your digital pencils! Here is this years creative compo list!

Warm-up challenge for the Fast Remix Compo

'Miu' recently released a remix challenge for last year's TG Freestyle Music compo winner track 'We Are The Bass'. Download now and warm-up to the TG12 Fast Remix competition!

Seeking new movie talents at TG

Direct your own movie and join Hollywood director Harald Zwart at work.