The Gathering 2012 At the end of the universe
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Apply for a crew position
Photo: Steinar H. Gunderson

Apply for a crew position

Do you want to make The Gathering 2013 the best TG ever? If you do, you should apply for a crew position.


Update November 17th:

We will start processing applications December 1st. It will still be possible to apply for a position after that date, but some crews may be full on that day, if they've filled the positions they need to fill. So, if you want to be a part of the TG13 crew, you should apply by December 1st.

Apply now

You can now apply for a crew position for TG13. In order for TG13 to be the best TG ever, we need your help.

So head on over to read the crew descriptions and apply.

The crew

The crew at The Gathering we tell you, is something really special. We get together once every year to make The Gathering come true. There's all kinds of amazing stuff to do if you have the skills and/or will.

We have Event with all their skills in making stage design, including lighting, sound and AV, and their surrounding decorations bring the arena to life. They're also behind compos, both gaming and creative, they're on stage making fun and off stage making sure all the fun is captured on tape.

Then there's Security who keep us all safe, among other things they make sure no troublemakers enter the venue. Their Medic team will assist those who have a sudden need for medical assistance.

There's Tech, the people whom every year continue to design one of the world's largest contemporary networks. They are responsible for what we need of servers (DHCP and much, much more) and provide support to our participants.

As you're reading this we obviously also have our own Info-crew, who makes systems such as Wannabe, they write for and all our other information channels. They will help you from the Info:desk during the party and handle any press related matters.

Last, but not least, there is Core, and not as mystical as they sound they do what everyone else does not. They make food for the crew, they handle logistics, sponsors and whatever else might come up.

Still interested, familiarize yourself with the various crews by reading through the descriptions

Want to look your best, we've gathered six useful tips, read them.