The Gathering 2012 At the end of the universe
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Music disc released

Music disc released

It has become a tradition, and it's back once again! Presenting: The Gathering 2012 Music Disc
Creative lounge

The last couple of years, we've managed to release a Music Disc containing the best music from the creative competitions realeased at The Gathering. And 2012 is no exception. The Gathering 2012 Music Disc contains such tracks as the attentiograbber - The End of Time and Matter - from lug00ber, the winner of the freestyle music compo Kaktusen's The Rumblebots, Chimeric with Subrise and much, much more! 

photo: Kristoffer Nes Langemyhr

So, what are you waiting for? Go download the songs from or the whole music disc as a .zip-file.

And while you're at it, why don't download the music disc from 2011 and 2010?

photo: Steinar H. Gunderson

photo: Kristoffer Nes Langemyhr

photo: Steinar H. Gunderson