The Gathering 2012 At the end of the universe


The mentors for The Gathering are skilled creative people who are available to help you within their fields of expertise. You can find mentors in the fields of programming, graphics and music production in the Creative Lounge every day.

The mentors can give you assistance on your own level, whether you are a beginner or already quite skilled yourself. Talking to the mentors can be a nice way to get introduced to the creative scene at The Gathering.

How to get help from a Mentor

There are a number of ways you can get in touch with the mentors:

  • Visit the Creative Lounge while at The Gathering. Contact the Creative Helpdesk and explain what you want help with. The Creativia crew will then assign a mentor to you. If a suitable mentor is not available at the exact time you visit the lounge, they will get back to you whenever one gets available.
  • Ask a question in The Gathering's creative forums. Mentors check this forum regularly to answer questions.
  • Send an email directly to a mentor

If you have any questions regarding the mentor arrangement, please contact

How does one become a mentor?

The Creativia crew chooses the mentors from the most prominent participants from the creative scene at TG. If you want to be a mentor, send an application to explaining your skills and how enthusiastic you are about teaching others. Each mentor gets a free Creative Ticket to The Gathering in exchange for helping out our newcomers.

Programming Mentors


Erik Faye-Lund aka Kusma

Age: 30
Demoscene groups: Excess, Boozoholics, Shitfaced Clowns, LOBSTARRS, 3ryx, Jumalauta, ISO
Occupation: Software Developer, Hue AS
Field of expertise: C/C++, OpenGL, DirectX, WinAPI
Can also help with: Photoshop, 3D Studio MAX

Email: Epost:


Michael Johansen aka MrClean

Age: 25
Demoscene groups: Symbiotics
Occupation: Student, Informatics, NTNU
Field of expertise: Java, Java Enterprise, Webdesign, Chrome Extensions, PHP
Can also help with: C, C++, C#, Objective C, Python, Microcontrollers



Thomas Austad aka Datsua

Age: 38
Demoscene groups: PlayPsyCo
Occupation: Graphics Driver Developer, ARM
Field of expertise: C/C++, OpenGL, GLSL, OpenVG, Software Rendering, 64k Programming
Can also help with: Smalltalk, LISP, PASCAL, Guitars, x86 assembly, PHP



Graphics Mentors


Mia Aasbakken aka Zeila

Age: 24
Demoscene groups: bitFlavour
Occupation: Student, Computer Science, NTNU
Field of expertise: Photoshop, Digital Painting
Can also help with: C#, XNA, Java, 3ds max, Webdesign



Wictoria Nordgård aka Wic

Age: 23
Demoscene groups: bitFlavour
Occupation: Student, Japanese, UiO
Field of expertise: Photoshop, Digital Painting, Photography
Can also help with: Japanese Graphical design, concept art and illustration



Hans Petter Hoff aka Beist

Age: 30
Demoscene groups: Noroff
Occupation: Teacher, 3D Design and Animation, Noroff
Field of expertise: 3D Studio Max, Unreal Tech
Can also help with: Production planning, 3Ds Max, UDK/RAD Tools (All aspects), Game & Level Design.



Trygve Bjellvåg aka tryggr

Age: 27
Demoscene groups: Noroff
Occupation: Teacher, Game Design, Noroff
Field of expertise: UDK, 3D Studio Max
Can also help with: 3D Studio Max, Game Animation, Character Design/Setup (rigging/skinning/cloth), Gameplay/Narrative/Level design.



Music Mentors


Magnus Sørlie aka Kaktusen\ Miu\ MagFunction

Age: 29
Demoscene groups: PlayPsyCo
Occupation: Systems engineer, multimedia producer and sound designer
Field of expertise: Music and sound production, events, DJ'ing and live performance
Can also help with: Event coordination, PR, systems development and administration
