The Gathering 2012 At the end of the universe

Fast Intro

"The Story of Kjellfrid The Horse" by bitFlavour, placed 4th in the Fast Intro competition at TG2010. The themes were "Horse", "Lace" and "Guillotione"

Create a demo or intro in 8 hours from 3 given themes, announced at compo start.

In this traditional demoscene compo, humor is the key to win. Team up with some friends and interpret the themes through graphics, music and code in 8 hectic hours.


  1. Hand-in

    The themes will be announced at the party, and the deadline for hand-in will be 8 hours after this announcement.

    Entries in the fast intro competition must be delivered through the web-based compo system as a ZIP or RAR archive containing the executable file and all necessary data files and dynamically linked libraries (DLLs).

  2. Deciding a winner

    The winner will be chosen by popular vote.

  3. Allowed platforms

    • Windows (compo machine will run Windows7, with latest Service Pack, DirectX and drivers installed.)
    • Linux (compo machine will run Ubuntu)
    • Mac (compo machine will run OS X)
    • Amiga (emulated) - If you have a PPC demo, provide your own vidcap
    • Atari (emulated
    • C64 (emulated)
    • Gameboy Advance (emulated)
    • Flash
    • Silverlight
    • .Net
    • Java
    • HTML5/JavaScript, with or without WebGL
  4. Size limit


  5. Maximum playing time

    4 minutes

    Try to keep up a good level of entertainment value throughout your production, this compo as after all only about entertainment.

  6. Themes for the compo

    Three subjects will be announced at the party; all of which must be present in the intro.

  7. No-go limit

    The compo will be held if we receive 3 or more entries. If not this compo may cancelled or the entries transfered to the Open Compo.

  8. Prizes (in NOK)

    • 1. plass 4000,-
    • 2. plass 2000,-
    • 3. plass 1000,-
  9. General rules

    The general rules for the Gathering 2012 creative competitions apply to this compo.