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The Gathering 2007

  • NTNU
  • NTE Bredband
  • EA Games
  • QPad
  • Noroff
  • Sennheiser

Organised by KANDU

There are a multitude of crews at The Gathering. Most of them are highly specialized, and require certain talents. Please read through this explanation before you apply for crew.

Norwegian version: crewbeskrivelse


This team is made up of people in key positions. Their tasks transcend the normal crew tasks, and they coordinate joint efforts between the different teams.

Only people with much organizational experience need apply.


Crew Care works to make sure everyone on the crew is fed, healthy and mostly sane through the event. Their main tasks are as follows:

  • Walking rounds with beverages for exhausted crew members
  • Cooking food for the crew
  • Making sure everyone gets a piece of that food
  • Shopping the groceries needed to feed 200 people 3-4 times a day.
  • Making sure that the crew-room is a relaxing and re-energizing experience.
  • Having a shoulder to cry on when someone is feeling down.

You work 8 hour shifts, no prior experience necessary.


Logistics controls all the equipment handed out and used at The Gathering. Though mostly quiet during the party, this team does the bulk of its job before and after the party, as this team is also responsible for getting all that equipment to the arena.


The Economy team controls the flow of money at The Gathering. All applicants must have a firm knowledge of controlling a budget. This team aids all other teams with all money-related issues.


Event is responsible for all competitions, stage shows and entertainment at The Gathering. This includes but is not limited to concerts, lectures, courses and random on the fly events.

Is also resposible for the building and tearing down of the technical equipment surrounding and involving the stage, and all the big screens we use. This includes the technical equipment used by demo, activity, game, stage, auditorium and vision.

Before TG and after TG the entire crew is a cooperative unit, whereas anyone should and could help any other crew to complete their tasks. The main part of this cooperation will be assembling and carrying technical equipment needed to host all the events we'd like to hold. Anyone from any parts of the crew is welcome to join and help any other part of the event-crew during this assembly, but this should not lead to any understaffing anywhere else.

Both veterans with loads of experience and newcomers are welcome!

Foreigners should be capable of understanding and speaking fairly good english please :-)


The allrounder crew making all the fun events happen, the backup for all the other parts of event and the ones with a large freedom to schedule events and figure how to make ours visitors have a great time during The Gathering.

Their tasks include:

  • All planned special events
  • Backup for Event:Stage and Event:Vision when extra manpower are needed
  • Selection and followup of teams participating in the special events
  • Schedule of special events
  • Help to plan and be a resource of help during live events


This crew covers all events scheduled in the auditorium and the classroom in which the courses are held. Highly active in the work against sponsorship and foreign lecurers, so being presentable and having fairly good english is a demand.

Their tasks include:

  • Movies to be shown in the auditorium
  • Lectures to hold place in the auditorium
  • Courses to be held for participants
  • Presenting the winners of the daily competitions during the courses
  • Schedule of all lectures, movies and courses
  • Selecting participants for courses and lectures
  • Responsible for the auditorium and classrooms, locking and daily cleaning (garbagepicking)
  • Will at all times cover a live-recording of lectures given in the auditorium (sound/video mixing)
  • Upload and manage recordings in a library


Event:Demo handles all demoscene competitions and events.

Their tasks include

  • Collecting contributions
  • Screening contributions
  • Hunting down the guys with the faulty contributions
  • Preparations for displaying the contributions
  • Making sure the competitions appear to be democratic
  • Showing a selected stream of earlier demos on a big screen
  • Managing the equipment needed to screen contributions and show these on any stage or screen.
  • Schedule of demo events
  • Hopefully have their own streaming library (or make one) to show 24/7 on their own big screen!


Event:Game handles all game-related competitions and events.

Their tasks include

  • Taking care of participants in the game competitions
  • Arranging matches
  • Maintaining the equipment used for the competitions
  • Deciding which games will be included in this years competetions (with Event:Organizer)
  • Responsible for their own stage and big screen.
  • Producing Game:TV
  • Schedule of game events


Event:Stage is responsible for the three big screens surrounding the stage, the PA system and handling the practical issues on and around the stage.

Their tasks include:

  • Sound engineering
  • Light engineering
  • The physical stage and anything connected to the physical parts of the stage, including lights, speakers, wires and stuff.
  • Schedule of stage events
  • 3 persons who schedule and que shows/demos/music/info/infomericals/movies on the 3 big screens (hopefully 4)


Event:Vision is responsible for the big screen, the PA system and handling the practical issues on and around the stage. They are responsible for concerts, getting competitions onto the big screen, and the cinema.

The Gathering TV channel, available on-line during the event, is also made by Event:Vision. This includes content, mixing, streaming and announcements.

This is the crew for people who would like to make a huge contribution to how the gathering is seen from outsiders.

Their tasks include:

  • Working very close with Info to cover events.
  • Schedule all events, schedule coverage, prioritize events
  • All is processmanaged, from a demand to a finished product (always!).
  • Divided into teams where each team can work individual or cooperate
  • Productions including: TG:TV, informercials, interviews, short movies, funny movies
  • Will have the oportunity to show their names on productions and thus having a referance later
  • Schedule of productions and events
  • Schedule, production and deliever a feed of live events
  • Film, record sound, and produce movies!
  • Upload and manage films/movies/clips in a library


The Info team is responsible for keeping participants in the know. Info knows when the next events happen, where the toilets and showers are, and if you’re lucky, where you misplaced that left shoe.


Info:Content produces content. This content is then distributed through our channels, such as the web pages, the TV channel, IRC, E-mail and carrier pigeons.

The content ranges from articles, pictures, results from competitions, graphics, statistics and more. Info:Content uses the systems maintained by Info:systems. Info:Content also provides the excellent signs for the different areas of the arena.


The Info:Desk is most likely the crew that talks to the most participants during the party. Before the party, they set up the information booth, make sure that even the scariest of Security are packing goodie-bags and prepare for checking in all 5200 participants.

During the party, they register new arrivals and supply people with proof of access to the event. They also handle daytime-visitors, and answer general questions from the participants.


Info:Press makes sure journalists only write the nicest things about us. They receive journalists during the event, and aids in interviews, either by giving them or pointing the journalists in the right direction.

They man the press-room, write press releases and make sure the press has a place to work and perhaps relax with a little foodstuff.

Info:Press is suitable for extrovert people with no particular interest in trying to make sensational matters.


Info:Systems design and implement the electronic systems used by the rest of the crew, such as the publishing systems used by Info:Content and the event management systems.

Experience with PHP and mySQL is a must, though experience with similar implementations may make up for it.


Security is responsible for the safety of the participants at The Gathering, and is the largest team at The Gathering.

Their tasks include

  • Access control to the arena
  • Patrolling the arena
  • Assigning parking
  • Leading evacuation in case of fire
  • Additional tasks during participant arrival and departure

Members of this team are expected to be mature and responsible. You work in pairs, and most of the tasks you are assigned are expected to be solved by you and your colleague.

One of the benefits of being a member of Security is that you always know when you are going to work, as you are assigned to an 8-hour shift, responsible for the arena. The remaining 16 hours are yours to do as you please.

As a member of Security, you will be in contact with a lot of participants and most pople in the crew. Politeness, trustworthiness and discretion are keywords. You don’t need to be huge and scary, you are better off with a good upbringing.

All applicants must be 18 years or older.


Security:Medic is The Gathering’s own medicine men and women. Members of this team are especially responsible for the health and prosperity of out participants. They help out with all matters of medical crisis, emergencies and stubbed toes, and are in direct contact with the local health authorities.

Their tasks include

  • Patrolling the hall to look for people who might be in need
  • Manning the first aid-station
  • First aid and assisting in case of injuries or sickness

Applicants must at least have competence in first aid, or other medical competence. You must also be able to keep a cool head in difficult situations. Discretion is a must.

As the rest of Security, you will be assigned to an 8-hour shift, the shift being responsible for the situations that occur during this time. Security:Medic also checks the general hygiene at the event.


It’s all hardware to these people. They make sure everyone have electricity and access to one of the worlds largest temporary computer networks.


This team is responsible for the network backbone at The Gathering.

Applicants must have firm knowledge of, and several years experience with, networking, In particular, configuring switches and routers. Previous crew experience is recommended.


Tech:Server manages all core servers (not game servers; those are managed by Event:Game) at TG, has a technical responsibility for #tg, and in general helps out wherever it's needed. Applicants should be experienced in server operations (either Windows or Linux), possess good problem solving skills, ability to work well in small teams and possibly some programming skills.


This crew makes sure that all the network cables are connected to the core and table switches at all times.
Tech:Support is also responsible for making the cable gates and distribute table switches to the participants. They are also giving some support to the participant. It is therefor important that you have good knowledge of operating systems and software if you apply for this crew.
Another important job in Tech:Support is to create and maintain texts that guides the participants in how to avoid viruses and what they shoud do if they get one.

Copyright (c) 1996-2007 KANDU and contributors

Design by: PAL/Offence/A (Flott altsaa)

The Gathering is a registered trademark by KANDU

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